18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today we celebrate the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time. This time is very special for us, because we can look upon our whole life and draw conclusions from it. We see that our life is material and spiritual. When we understand it very well we know that there must be balance between these components.

In today’s Gospel we see the people who are looking for Jesus because he gave them bread to eat. They recognize Jesus only as the person who can secure the material things for them:  that means the bread and fish for food. They don’t see that Jesus is the Lord and Master who wants to give not only the material bread, but the spiritual bread also.

The Eucharist, which we now celebrate, is the feast where we eat the real bread and we drink the real wine. But this bread and this wine are transfigured into the body and blood of Christ. And in this manner we start the eternal life but we have to first of all be on that feast and believe in it and after this we can make miracles within our lives.

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