peaceToday we celebrate the 2nd Sunday of Advent. The word Advent means – “come” and we ask Our Lord and Master to come second time, it means that we are waiting on Christ coming here and now during this Holy Liturgy of the Mass. In this Liturgical Time we have two people for good example, who have the very special attitude of waiting. These persons are: St. John the Baptist and Blessed Virgin Mary. Today’s Sunday is especially dedicated to St. John the Baptist. This man was the herald of the coming of Jesus, he called people to reform those lives, and also he reformed his own life to show people how they have to act.

Now we will be light the second candle of the Advent Wreath – which we call the candle of Peace – which means the second week of the awaiting on the coming of Christ in our life.



Holy Masses

December 4, 2016 – 2nd Sunday of Advent

HC 10:00 AM for +Mary Rybak Groah from Marianna & David Frederick

December 11, 2016 – 3rd Sunday of Advent

HC 10:00 AM for ++James L. Otto and Helen A. Otto from James Otto Jr.

December 18, 2016 – 4th Sunday of Advent

HC 10:00 AM for +Garrett Greenfield from Diane Rachuba

December 24, 2013 – Christmas – Shepherds Mass

HC 8:00 PM for all parishioners living and death

December 25, 2013 – Christmas Day  

HC 11:00 AM – for all parishioners living and death


  • My warmly Thank you to all people who helped us on the Polish Dinner and around it.
  • The November was the month of the prayer and remembrance for our departed brothers and sisters. My Thank You to all of the people who remember of the deceased from your Family and Friends in the Remembrances (Wypominki) 2013 and for all your donations. The prayer is the big help for them. Also the reminder for us that we are not alone in the cosmos. Thank you.
  • We need the cookies for the welcome of the singers in our Church please bring it Sunday before Dec 23rd.
  • Christmas Wafers – OpÅ‚atki – let Father know how many Christmas wafers we need for family’s vigil supper. Please get how many you need and give donation to Father.
  • Members of Holy Cross are invited to attend the Polish Christmas Caroling Through Fells Point which is to be held – on December 23rd at 7:00 PM (beginning in Polish Home). All people are invited.
  • The flowers offerings are accepted now. Thank you for your donation.

Welcome Our Visitors

We welcome all our visitors who are present with us for worship this Sunday! Please introduce yourself to the Pastor after Mass. Please write your names in the guest book located in the vestibule of the church. Please remember that you are always welcome to join us in worship at Holy Cross Church.

One Main Point

METANOIA (repentance) means “afterthought,” a change of heart and mind about what is and what is not important in life, followed by a corresponding change in behavior, or “bear[ing] fruit.” It does not mean having an emotional binge of remorse over a past that is now beyond our control. Repentance is also the first word Jesus preaches about ( Mt 4:17 ), and the message Jesus sent disciples out to preach ( Mk 6:12 ).

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